

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 7 months ago



The Index of the King Beast


Welcome to the Index of the King Beast, also known as the Beast's Lair Information & Support System (Project BLISS), a horrible attempt by forum member RoyalKnight to catalog important threads and posts at the Beast's Lair board, organizing them for easier access. Why am I doing this? I have no idea; I'm probably some sort of masochist. Plus it's interesting seeing all the old threads. And annoying when people ask the same question over and over again. And the old FAQ thread is getting a bit... dated. sssssz and Kaorin currently have free run of this place, as well.


If you have any questions, concerns, or whatnot, just drop me a PM on the boards or a message in the IRC channel. I don't have much right now, as everything here is in work-in-progress status. Here's what I can offer...

Frequently Asked Questions

Short Answer FAQ - Short answers. Don't blame me.

Long Answer FAQ - Long answers. In case you want a real answer.




Kara no Kyoukai Index - Index of Rakkyo-centric posts, sorted by topic.


Tsukihime Index - Index of Tsukihime-centric posts, sorted by topic.

Tsukihime Media Index - Index of Tsukihime-centric image collections and videos outside of the UFW and Translations threads.


Fate Index - Index of Fate-centric posts, sorted by topic

Fate Media Index - Index of Fate-centric image collections and videos outside of the UFW and Translations threads.


TYPE-MOON Index - Index of posts about the general TYPE-MOON Universe, unsorted.

TYPE-MOON News - Index chronicling past news-worthy pieces of information.

TYPE-MOON-based RPG Index - Index of role-playing games based on the TYPE-MOON universe.

TYPE-MOON Story - Index of posts related to the story of TYPE-MOON works. Spoilers abound; beware, linalys. :)


Tutorials - Index of tutorials from all genres

Technical Issues - Index of the technical aspects of TYPE-MOON and TYPE-MOON-related games.


Work Area

Original Index - The original FAQ thread titled "WAIT! Is your question answered already?" Still has information on some VERY interesting topics. Mostly Tsukihime and Melty Blood-related.

The Dump Area - Place to dump stuff links and descriptions before I actually organize them.

Dump Area FAQ - Place to dump questions before I go answer them in a satisfactory manner.




Beast's Lair Events - Don't ask. Because I don't know.


Random people have stumbled in here times and thought, "What the hell IS this mess?"

External Links:

  • The Moonlit World - EvoSpace's TYPE-MOON fansite, where everything began.
  • The Lair of the King Beast - EvoSpace's companion forums, aka Beast's Lair, where everything shot off from.
  • The Lexicon of the King Beast - sssssz's Wiki for his TYPE-MOON Lexicon idea, where everything seems to be coming back together.
  • Kaorin's Wiki - Kaorin's Wiki. Currently being used to facilitate work on the BL Game Project...
  • Fuyuki - Arai's definitive encyclopedia of terms related to Fate. Most likely minimizes some of the usefulness of the Index.

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